My Must-Have Bag Essentials!!
You can get to know a bit about a person, by what they carry in their bag, so I thought I'd let you guys in on the essentials that I MUST have at all times in my bag!!
Travelling in and out of Central London every day can get very tiring at times, and these items help me survive the journey!! Hahaha!!
1. A Magazine!! I love love love love love reading magazines on my travels. I just get so lost in it, I love it.
2. Deodorant!! Oh. Em. Gee. There are a number of times on my travels where I've had to embrace some very funky B.O smells. You can never be too safe!! You want to be smelling tip top everytime!
3. Anti-bacterial gel - Everytime I go to the bathroom, I just squirt some antibacterial gel on my hands...kill those nasty germs! In general, you pick up a lot of germs, you can't be too safe!
4. A comb - *shakes head* I will not leave my house without it! Haha! Its soo important especially if my hair isn't tied up to have this in my bag! The weather is unpredictable, and I have to make sure that my hair isn't a mess!
5. Bobby Pins/Hair Grips - It's more than likely I'll tie up/ pin my hair by the end of the day and if so, a girl needs pins!
6. Nail Polish - Chipped nail polish is an absolute no-go!! I can't stand chipped nail polish!! *cringes*
7. Mascara - my best friend! Haha! If I had to pick one make-up item I couldn't live without, it would be mascara. Take away anything else, but my!!
8. Make-up wipes - There are those days when my face feels yucky, but for some odd reason I'll still apply make-up anyway! Ha! When I get to work, I sometimes have the urge to just wipe it all off, so incase that moment comes, at least I have the wipes in my bag to do so! ;)
9. A mirror- just to make sure everything is in check ;P
10. Carmex - *smiles* where would my lips be without it?! There are days when I don't feel like wearing any lipstick or even before I apply lipstick I wll always use carmex. Its actually always in my pocket so if I feel my lips drying out...BAM! Out comes the Carmex!
11. Perfume - Got to keep smelling sweet mehn :P
12. Cream - I love knowing that my skin is always moisturised, especially on hot days where I may be wearing shorts/skirt, I want to make sure that my legs are always moisturised and don't dry out!
Another essential I missed out were my headphones!!! I'm one of those people that MUSTMUSTMUST have my headphones in so I can listen to music at all times otherwise it'll ruin my day :( ahaa!