I ❤ Paris.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013 Unknown 2 Comments

'ello, ello, ello!!! Guys, I'm soooo immensly sorry I've been so crap blogging lately. I haven't had opportunities to as either I'm too busy, or the twinny or family members are busy..it's literally clash of the schedules!!

I attempted (look above) at doing one myself and failed miserably but I wanted to at least show you guys a new outfit; I know I'd probably go loco looking at the same outfits over and over again!

I literally just have my hat, MAC Ruby Woo (although you can't really see it), my I ❤ Paris jumper, black socks and my litas. I wishhhh I'd been able to get someone to take the pics for me it would've looked nicer but hey ho! Haha! Maybe next time!!

I hope you've all been well and for all my British folk, that you enjoyed your bank holiday weekend! I also hope my American friends had a Happy Memorial Day!!



  1. Thank you Elizabeth! I did have a very happy Memorial day. I really love this outfit, don't worry about it, it doesn't look bad at all girl! <3


    1. Glad you had a lovely one doll :)) you're always so kind & encouraging Mak thank you :)) <3 <3 <3
