Movie Night.

Friday, May 10, 2013 Unknown 3 Comments

Just got back from watching Iron Man 3 with my dad and my was PHENOMENAL!!!!! The acting, the plot, the action, everything was just amazing! I will forever love Robert Downey Jr, he's the best and it was lovely to see Pepper Potts (Gwyneth Paltrow) in a sort of different light( I will not be the person who ruined the movie for those who haven't seen it)! Ha! But Ben Kingsley was incredible, like I can't even...let me just stop otherwise I'm going to end up spilling everything and ruining it for ya! But it's sooooo worth a watch!!

Is it just me, or is there a plethora of films out this year!!?! Like bloomin' heck!! There's soo much I'm going to watch this year, it's actually borderline ridiculous.

Right now, I'm chilling on my laptop just finishing off my delicious dinner ( thanks Mamma!) about to watch Greys Anatomy!

These are just some of the films I'm going to watch this year; I'm pretty sure I've forgotten many others!!

Hope you all had a splendid week, and have a fab weekend!!



  1. I completely agree! Iron Man 3 was SICK! Robert Downey awesome. Nough' said. I'm glad you liked it as much as I did friend! :D


    1. It was amazing right?!!! Golly jee!! Haha, thank you beautiful!! xoxo

    2. Heck YES!!!!! ^_- And of course! <3

