Rings Pon Rings

Sunday, October 19, 2014 Unknown 2 Comments


I went out for dinner on Friday with an old dear friend of mine; it was such a lovely evening! I've missed her so much and was so glad that we could catch-up and spend some time together.

I was going to do a snapshot of what I wore but it was a bit of a rush in the evening and I couldn't get a good light to try and take a picture of my outfit. I have wanted to show you guys my rings recently. I've been really loving my rings so far!

The last picture is a close-up shot that I took for my instagram page.

Hope you guys are having a lovely weekend!



  1. I love all types of jewelry but by far rings are my favorite jewelry piece. I really think it is so easy to reflect a part of a person's personality through their rings. I have noticed that jewelry designers with a more edgy aesthetic are gaining more notice in the industry which is a good thing, in my opinion. I love edgy pieces so like quite a few of your rings. Your posts are always so interesting. I hope you have a great week.


    1. Rings are definitely my favourite jewellery piece too!

      Thanks so much Sharon for such lovely comments and support :) hope you're having a lovely week too!

