Live. Laugh. Love.

Thursday, January 02, 2014 Unknown 2 Comments

My Motto For The Year: Live. Laugh. Love.

To show you how bad and guilty I feel about how long I've gone for, I'm literally shaking from nerves as I type this post. I know I literally went AWOL and disappeared for like a month..actually it's almost two!!!!!

I don't even know how to begin to say I'm sorry, but I am!!! I'm sorry for the lack of updates and posts and whatnot but I'm not sorry for living, because that's what I've been doing. Sometimes it's easy to get caught up in everything blogger related and I was TOO caught up in it.

The first week I missed blogging but the more I stayed away from it, the more I felt like just living for a bit. Literally, just me and the world and I'm so glad I did it. I do wish I'd given you guys a heads up but that's the way it worked out!

I warn you now, there may be a couple changes to the blog in terms of a new name and whatnot but I hope you understand. When you feel like a completely different person to the one that started this blog, steps like these are necessary! I have a lot of plans (I know I've said this a bagillion times but seriously, haha!) for the blog this year. I bought a camera and it should be making it's way to my lovely door verily soon, so I may be doing outfit videos, more vlogs, more sharper pics for my outfit posts etc.

Coming back on my blog, I feel refreshed, I feel like a stronger individual, the passion has been re-ignited and I'm ready.

I think the last two months have been good for me because I've realised so much! Hopefully I'll be able to share it with you along the way.

I hope you guys had a fantastic Christmas and I wish you an absolute blessed new year!

I'm really looking forward to this year! I don't know why, but I just feel like everything is sort of falling in place and I am excited to see what this year brings.

You guys ready????!?!!!!



  1. Sometimes we all need to go away from all the things we do daily, to look inside ourself and return with a better view of the rest of the world and to be able to put all the new and fresh thoughts in a better prospective.

  2. Eizabeth!!! Welcome back darling. You know, I've done this once or twice and I totally understand where your coming from. Sometimes you just need some time off. No hard feelings there, and can't wait for you future posts! Happy New Years!! <3
