University Outfit of Those Days Part V

Tuesday, February 12, 2013 Unknown 0 Comments

My poor scalp has been suffering from the dastardly freezing temperature that has decided to bless us recently. So I wanted to wear my bowler hat to protect my head!!

I was tricked (even though I should've known better)! Before I left my house, the sun was blaring through my  window curtains. So I decided based on the presence of the sun, to wear my chequed shirt underneath my heavy winter jacket. Thank God it wasn't THAT cold but let's just say I won't be doing that again in a hurry ;)

I sometimes really despise winter because for me I find it hard trying to balance my outfit out. I don't want to avoid wearing certain types of clothes because of the weather, but sometimes outfits look nice but they clash with my jacket. So it just makes things so much harder!! Know what I mean??!

My bowler hat didn't let me down ;) my head was snug and warm for most of the day :) going on the underground trains, when its mostly hot down there sometimes didn't help, but I'm not a moaner!!

Once I was in the snug and warm wall of my university campus, I switched my winter jacket for a thick cardi. This cardigan is sooo thick. it could sweat the flu out of someone!! Those cold winds won't even look in your direction!!

Here's a little look at what my chequed shirt looks like:

I now leave you with one of my all time fave songs by one of my fave artists Nero!!!
